Who we are, what we do?
We are young computer professionals of Uttarakhand community belongs to GARHWAL and KUMAON based in Delhi and USA.. Our main aim of promoting this website is to promote marriage within our own community. As we noticed that our community members are marrying outside the community. We gave a thought to it and found very interesting stories and the most common dialogue was “We have not found a suitable professional match within our community”. We think like us, you will also disagree with this as in our 3G Garhwali / Kumaoni community most of the young members are well qualified. So what make them to marry outside the community – IT's LACK OF INFORMATION. To fill this lack of information we created this platform exclusive for the people of UTTARANCHAL from where our young generation people can get suitable match for them.
We would like to have your active support on our efforts by creating awareness/ advising UTTARAKHANDSHADI.COM amongst your relatives and friends